For the millions of people in the U.S. missing one or more teeth, dental bridges are an inevitability. The type of dental bridge you choose can not only affect your smile; it can also affect your health. At AZ Dentist, we always advocate for a metal-free dental bridge.

What is a metal-free dental bridge?

Dental bridges and crowns are a fact of life for many people as they get older. When people lose teeth through trauma or other oral health issues, the gap in their smile can lead to other dental issues. The solution to this is often a dental bridge.

There are four types of dental bridges:

  • Traditional
  • Cantilever
  • Maryland
  • Implant-supported

Traditional, cantilever, and Maryland bridges rely on crowns or other attachments to the healthy teeth on either side of the gap, while implant-supported bridges are affixed with implants that are placed in the jawbone.

Dental bridges can be made of a number of different materials including:

  • All-porcelain
  • All-metal
  • Porcelain infused to metal
  • Zirconia

These materials differ in their strength, natural appearance, durability, and function.

At AZ Dentist, we only offer metal-free bridges and metal-free crowns. Our master ceramists custom-make our bridges from either inert, non-reactive porcelain, or fully customized zirconia. Both of these materials are the most natural-looking, durable, and cost-effective options to restore your smile, but we believe they’re something more than that. We believe they are the healthiest options as well.

Why is this so important?

AZ Dentist is a holistic dental office. Our first priority is to restore the function and form to your smile in a way that not only works but also takes your overall health into consideration.

Many people struggle with reactions to metal in their orthodontia and cosmetic dentistry. Approximately 10% of people are allergic to common metals used in dentistry, such as nickel, with women being three times as likely to be allergic. Nickel is used most often because it increases the strength of certain metals, which is important when you are dealing with chewing, grinding surfaces. However, this allergy can cause uncomfortable and serious reactions, all of which can be avoided by using metal-free bridges.

We want our patients to have beautiful smiles, but your comfort and overall health is of paramount importance. Although not fatal, a reaction to metal in dental bridges and crowns can cause a painful, itchy rash. Further dental work will not be possible until the reaction is resolved, and sometimes antibiotics are necessary to prevent infection.

Another common metal used in dental work may actually be fatal, but its substitute is not much better. Most dentists have stopped using mercury fillings, as mercury is toxic, but even white composite fillings can be problematic. These fillings give off chemicals that act in a similar manner to estrogen in the body.

While estrogen itself is not necessarily a bad thing, increased estrogen levels have been linked to certain types of cancer, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and an increased risk of stroke. To be certain, there is not extensive research on the amount of estrogen that triggers these risks, but to avoid them when not necessary seems prudent.

Natural dental bridges and crowns that are metal-free do just that.

What is the procedure for a metal-free bridge?

As far as the process for getting a metal-free dental bridge, there is really no difference than with any other kind of dental bridge.

Your dentist will complete a thorough examination and work to resolve any underlying issues with your oral health. The type of bridge chosen – traditional, cantilever, Maryland, or implant-supported – depends largely upon the location of the bridge in your mouth and the health of your remaining teeth nearby.

Your dentist will take an impression, and fit you with a temporary bridge. AZ Dentist works with ceramists who have dedicated themselves to creating beautiful dental restorations. If the metal-free bridge is for the front teeth, we may actually have patients visit our ceramists in person to ensure proper color matching and the perfect, natural appearance.

Once they’ve crafted your metal-free bridge, you’ll visit your dentist to trade the temporary bridge for a permanent one, checking fit, comfort, and color matching.

Your dentist will fit a metal-free crown in much the same way. Comfort, function, appearance, and durability are important to us. This process may take time, but metal-free bridges and crowns that are properly fitted and applied will work better and last longer.

How long do metal-free dental bridges last?

Most dental bridges have a typical lifespan of somewhere between five and 20 years, with the average being around a decade.

This large variation has to do with:

  • The type of material used
  • The location of the bridge
  • Whether or not patients practice proper oral hygiene habits, with regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups

Zirconia metal-free bridges take this further and can literally last a lifetime.

If damaged, and depending on the issue, metal-free dental bridges can be repaired. If a patient notices a problem with one of the healthy teeth attached to the bridge, chances are good that the dentist will need to remove bridge to properly address the issue.

Further, if the metal-free bridge has chips or cracks in the pontics (artificial teeth), it may be possible to repair the porcelain. In some cases, repairs are not possible, and a new bridge must be fitted.

Is a metal-free dental bridge worth the cost?

The cost of dental work can vary based on:

  • Your doctor
  • The location of the office
  • The extent of the work
  • The materials used

Metal-free bridges are often at the upper end of their price range, but keep in mind that these materials, especially zirconia metal-free bridges, can last a lifetime with proper care. Ultimately, the cost may be a deciding factor, but if allergic reactions are present your insurance company may contribute to make them more affordable.

Contact your Phoenix area dentist today to see if a metal-free dental bridge or metal-free crowns will work for you!

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