An estimated 120 million people in the U.S. are missing one or more teeth. For many of them, a dental implant is the solution for replacing their missing teeth. If you are considering dental implant surgery, here are answers to your five most frequently asked question about dental implant recovery.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are a dental restoration that is placed in the jawbone. A titanium post becomes the tooth “roots” and a dental crown replaces the tooth itself.

The three main types of dental implants are:

  1. Mini dental implants: Generally thinner and used to replace just one tooth
  2. All-on-4 implants: A complete set of teeth that uses just four implants posts
  3. Full mouth implants: Another full mouth replacement option that uses more implants for stability

Which kind of dental implant you receive depends on the number of teeth you are replacing and the overall health of your jawbone. For all of them, your dentist will first make sure that you have enough healthy jawbone to support an implant. Once that is determined, they can proceed with the dental implant procedure.

During the procedure, a titanium post is surgically placed in the jawbone (it resembles a cylindrical screw). There will be a period of healing to allow the bone to attach to the implant. The gum will heal over the implant entirely.

In the second step, the healed gum may be removed to make way for a dental crown attached to the implant, but this may not be necessary. Your dentist will create a full set of teeth (or an individual implant) from a mold of your teeth, doing their best to match the shade, size, and shape of your natural teeth. For dental implants in Scottsdale, AZ Dentist works with master ceramicists to produce the most natural-looking match possible.

To complete your dental implant surgery, your new implants may be snapped into place or they may be tightened down. Once the fit and your bite is checked, you’re all set.

Here are answers to your five most frequently asked questions about dental implant recovery.

FAQ #1: How long does it take to recover from a dental implant?

With proper care and no complications, it typically takes between six and 12 months for the bone to fully heal around the dental implant. Healing times do vary, so it is possible that your implants might take a little more (or a little less) time to heal. Much of the healing process depends on how healthy you are to begin with and whether or not you are properly caring for the implant site.

In the short term, you should be feeling close to your normal self after about a week. Return to regular activity gradually, paying close attention to how you are feeling as you do.

FAQ #2: How should I take care of my teeth after a dental implant?

When you leave your dentist’s office, they will provide you with a detailed list of post-op instructions. Following them will help you speed up (and ease) your recovery. In general, here are some things to remember for successful dental implant recovery.

Take at least 24 hours off after surgery. Allow your body to spend its energy on resting and healing. Stock up on books or make a dent in your Netflix queue.

You will most likely experience some bleeding after surgery. This is normal. Use gauze to apply gentle pressure to stop any residual bleeding. Gauze can be changed every 30 minutes after the first hour until bleeding stops.

It is also normal to notice some pain and swelling. If your doctor prescribes you pain medication, take only as directed. Icepacks applied for 15 minutes at a time (with a 15-minute break in between applications) can also be soothing and bring swelling down.

You may also receive a prescription for antibiotics. Take the full course as directed. Consider eating some probiotic foods (e.g., yogurt or kefir) to keep your belly strong and healthy while you take them.

Take good care of your oral health. You can gently brush your teeth on the day of surgery, taking care around the implant site. After the first 24 hours, use a saltwater rinse (without vigorous suction) to make sure the whole implant site is clean. If you swish too vigorously, you may dislodge the clot that is forming, causing a painful condition called dry sockets.

FAQ #3: What can you eat after dental implant surgery?

Your dental implant recovery diet is very important. In the first 24 hours after dental implant surgery, stick to a diet of soft foods (e.g., scrambled eggs, yogurt, very soft pasta). Avoid chewing anything directly on the implant site until it is fully healed, and stay away from foods in general that require excessive biting or chewing force.

Other guidelines to keep in mind include:

  • Avoid extreme temperatures in foods (especially heat)
  • Stay away from overly spicy foods that can irritate the surgical site
  • Avoid hard, sticky, or crunchy foods (e.g., hard pretzels, hard candy, and popcorn)
  • Do not smoke or drink through a straw (no suction)

As your wound heals, you can gradually reintroduce all of the foods you love. Once the site is fully healed, treating the dental implant as a natural tooth improves the health of the bone and actually helps the implant last.

FAQ #4: What are the symptoms of a dental implant failure?

Dental implant failure is exceedingly rare, but it does happen. Keep any eye out for signs of infection that might indicate failure, including:

  • Fever
  • Excessive pain
  • Bleeding that does not stop
  • Soreness in the jaw that does not go away with time

If you have any of these symptoms, call your dentist immediately for a check-up.

FAQ #5: How long does pain last after dental implant surgery?

Pain after dental implant surgery is not uncommon. Taking all prescribed and over-the-counter medications can help, but you may still feel lingering soreness. Normal responses include bruising and discoloration inside and outside of your mouth, along with soreness in the jaw.

If the bruising persists, and the soreness does not diminish over time, talk to your doctor. Any other signs of infection (as noted above) are also cause to give your dentist a call.

For dental implants, Phoenix dentist AZ Dentist can help. We are here to answer all of your questions about dental implant recovery. Get in touch today!

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