Does your face hurt? Severe or chronic facial nerve pain can affect the sufferer’s daily life, relationships, and overall wellbeing. Facial pain encompasses every type of pain in the face, from a simple sinus headache to more involved and chronic conditions such as trigeminal neuralgia. Facial nerve pain refers to pain that originates in your facial nerves. Here’s what you should know.

What is facial nerve pain?

Facial nerve pain is most commonly related to the trigeminal nerve, though we discuss some of the other more common causes below. Three branches of the trigeminal nerve are responsible for enervating various parts of the face. These include that:

  1. Upper (ophthalmic) branch: Enervates the scalp, forehead, and front of the head
  2. Middle (maxillary) branch: Enervates the cheek, upper jaw, top lip, teeth and gums, and the side of the nose
  3. Lower (mandibular) branch: Enervates the lower jaw, teeth and gums, and bottom lip

Facial nerve pain is pain referred by these nerves to the brain from any of these areas.

Atypical facial pain vs. trigeminal neuralgia is another story. Atypical facial pain travels the same route as trigeminal neuralgia but exhibits different characteristics.

Also known as persistent idiopathic facial pain (PIFP), this pain can be continuous and long lasting. Unlike the short bursts of pain that are typical of trigeminal neuralgia, atypical facial pain may be more of a burning, severe ache or crushing sensation in the affected areas of your face.

What causes facial nerve pain?

Understanding the sometimes-complex causes of facial nerve pain is an important first step in treatment.

Simply treating the pain, although important to relieve suffering, is not enough. Identifying the underlying cause can offer a more targeted and successful course of pain treatment.

Sinus infection

Sinus infection usually comes with excess fluid that places pressure on the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve.

Some patients report a feeling of fullness surrounding their eyes and across their forehead, but this can also press on the facial nerves, leading to pain.

H3: Trigeminal neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia is a serious chronic pain condition that can affect the daily life of sufferers. Pain from this disorder can affect any area of the face, head, neck, and shoulders.

Trigeminal neuralgia may be caused by compression or damage to the trigeminal nerve, resulting in breathtaking sharp pain, like electric shocks. Pain may last for seconds or hours and is unpredictable in nature.

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ)

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ or TMD) is a disorder that may result in compression of the trigeminal nerve. Grinding and clenching of the teeth and jaw builds up the masseter muscle, which can then place pressure on the trigeminal nerve.

This pressure results in facial nerve pain that can spread to other parts of the face. Tension in the jaw and compression of the nerve may also cause TMJ headaches.

Facial nerve pain after tooth extraction

While a tooth extraction is a common and straightforward procedure, there can be lingering facial nerve pain after tooth extraction. This may be due to decay that necessitated the extraction in the first place.

Maxillary nerve pain

Maxillary nerve pain is facial nerve pain that cuts across the cheek, upper jaw, and top lip. The teeth and gums and the side of the nose may also be involved.

Mandibular nerve pain

Mandibular nerve pain may occur as a direct result of the compression of the lower branch of the trigeminal nerve. Pain may also occur inside the mouth.

Bell’s palsy

Bell’s palsy is paralysis of a facial nerve that causes drooping and lack of control in various parts of the face.

The exact causes of this condition are unknown but may include a herpes infection that lies dormant for a period before infecting the cells around the facial nerves. Any nerve damage that occurs can cause pain, and the level of paralysis depends on the extent of the damage. Facial nerve pain (and numbness) can occur in the ear, face, neck, or tongue.

What facial nerve pain treatments do dentists use?

Your dentist will first work with your doctor to diagnose the cause of your facial nerve pain before beginning treatment. Any underlying causes that are not addressed will potentially block the effectiveness of your treatments.

For mild to moderate facial nerve pain, your dentist may recommend a period of rest, over-the-counter analgesics like ibuprofen, and a hot or cold compress. This may be all that you need to feel better. This does not address any underlying conditions but may provide temporary relief of pain.

For sinus pain or pain associated with an injured or extracted tooth, your dentist may look for signs of infection or other complications. These can be treated with a course of antibiotics as needed.

Treatments for moderate to severe pain

Antispasmodics, tricyclic antidepressants, and some anticonvulsants can also help relieve pressure on your facial nerves to prevent, decrease, or eliminate pain. Your dentist may work with your doctor to make sure that these medications do not interact negatively with other treatments.

Your dentist may also use Botox to help relieve facial nerve pain. Botox (botulinum toxin A) injections are placed into strategic areas of your jaw to relax and release tense temporalis or masseter muscles. These injections will not affect speech or eating but can relieve pressure on the trigeminal nerve. Results may vary, but many patients will find relief that can last from three to six months. This treatment is best reserved for those who have not had success with more conservative interventions.

Treating atypical facial nerve pain is even more challenging than other types of facial nerve pain. Many patients may incorrectly attribute their symptoms to trauma or dental work.

Patients with atypical facial nerve pain suffer from depression and anxiety in higher numbers than the general population. They are also more likely to require a complex treatment plan that includes addressing mental, physical, and emotional symptoms. Your dentist and doctor will work closely together to develop a plan to treat all of your symptoms concurrently.

If you are looking for a dentist in the Phoenix area who can treat your facial nerve pain, give AZ Dentist a call. From diagnosis to treatment, we can help.  

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