It’s a problem that isn’t often discussed but one that makes life challenging: missing teeth. An estimated 36 million people in the U.S. have lost all of their teeth. Another 120 million people have lost at least one adult tooth. Appearance is just one aspect of missing teeth. People who are missing front teeth, or missing teeth in general, can experience problems with nutritional deficits, premature aging, changes in speech, and diminished self-confidence.

What typically causes missing teeth?

There are a number of reasons that adults lose teeth.

  • Poor oral hygiene that leads to tooth decay: Except in the case of accident or trauma, missing permanent teeth in adults doesn’t happen overnight. Tooth decay is the number one cause of missing teeth in the U.S.
  • Periodontal disease: Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is the second leading cause of missing teeth in adults. Plaque build-up contains bacteria that cause both tooth decay and gum disease. These bacteria can enter the gums though small gaps between teeth and gums. It can also enter through small cracks in teeth and spaces under fillings.
  • Trauma or accident: Any trauma to the mouth or face can cause tooth loss. This is less common than tooth decay and periodontal disease, but it can occur in an instant.

Are there missing teeth problems?

Regardless of the cause, missing permanent teeth can have dramatic effects on a person’s life. Problems caused by missing teeth include:

  • Nutritional deficits
  • Facial changes
  • Changes in speech
  • Self-confidence issues

Nutritional deficits

Missing teeth can have a drastic effect on a person’s diet.

The inability to chew forces a person to consume a soft or mostly soft diet. This eliminates many vegetables and proteins and can result in malnutrition.

Facial changes

We take our teeth for granted in the way they shape our appearance, but missing teeth are immediately apparent in our facial structure.

Missing permanent teeth can change the way our faces look, prematurely aging us with sunken cheeks and drooping skin.

Changes in speech

Missing teeth can change the way we enunciate words.

We don’t think our teeth contribute to the way we speak, but the structure of our jaw and the way it interacts with our tongue does affect our patterns of speech.

Decrease in self-confidence

Finally, and maybe most crucially, missing teeth impact self-confidence.

A missing front tooth can change the way you interact with people every day, from the grocery store to the boardroom. Imagine speaking to your boss during your annual evaluation and asking for a raise. Now imagine doing that with a missing front tooth. Chances are good the conversation changes in your mind. The social and emotional consequences of missing teeth cannot be underestimated.

What are my options for missing teeth?

You have many different options for missing teeth, from temporary tooth replacement to more permanent solutions. Talk closely with your dentist to find the best option for you, as it will change depending on your current dental condition, lifestyle, budget, and preferences.

Removable full or partial dentures

Removable partial dentures are the least invasive and quickest solution for more than one missing tooth. Your dentist takes an impression and creates the dentures from a variety of materials designed to match any remaining natural teeth.

Adhesive holds full or partial dentures in place during the day. Dentures are usually removed at night. Partial dentures may also be attached to remaining natural teeth for a more secure fit.

Dentures are an affordable temporary solution for missing permanent teeth, especially if you want something to replace missing front teeth quickly. Long-term, many people experience irritation and rubbing from poorly fitted dentures. Because they are not permanently affixed, many patients also worry that their dentures will move or fall out when they are speaking or eating. This can continue to impact self-confidence and many not be the best long-term solution.


Dental implants are a more permanent option that may be healthier for your smile.

A titanium screw is placed in the jawbone itself. One or more teeth are created from ceramic, porcelain, zirconia, or other materials to replace the missing teeth. These teeth are then attached to the implant. There are several different types of dental implants.

Implant supported dentures offer more security and may be a better solution for patients who have to replace a full arch of teeth.

Full or partial bridges can also use implants, or a single tooth can be replaced with an implant.

In addition to offering a stronger attachment, implants of all kinds are beneficial for the jaw. The act of chewing on the implant stimulates new bone growth in the jaw. For patients who have bone damage due to periodontal disease, this growth can help restore the strength of their bones.

Patients who opt for dental implants must be in general good health before the surgery. This may not be the best option for patients with serious underlying medical conditions that are not well managed.

Dental bridges

Dental bridges do for your smile what bridges do for rivers. They connect a gap and fill in what is missing. The two most common types of dental bridges are traditional bridges and implant supported bridges.

A traditional bridge attaches on either side of the gap to a dental crown. This is the best choice if the teeth on either side of the gap are strong and healthy.

Implant supported bridges are attached to dental implants on one or both ends of the bridge. This type is best for patients who do not have healthy teeth on either side of the gap.

If full or partial removable dentures don’t offer enough security, but the patient is not healthy enough for dental implants, fixed bridges may be a good choice. Fixed bridges are a type of bridge that can only be removed by a dentist. The bridge is fitted and bonded to the gum with dental cement.

Restore your beautiful smile

Regardless of the reason, you don’t have to suffer the consequences of tooth loss. There are many options for missing teeth. Your beautiful smile can be restored, and well, with just a few trips to the dentist.

The most affordable option for missing teeth may be either partial or full dentures, but each person’s situation is unique. Contact AZ Dentist to discuss your options.

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