Known as the third molars, wisdom teeth emerge between the ages of 17 and 25. For some people, they emerge relatively painlessly behind the second molars, causing no real issues. For others, wisdom teeth can come in at an angle, pushing teeth out of alignment. They can also become impacted, turning a regular biological process into a dental emergency. In this case, you may need an emergency wisdom tooth extraction.

When would you need an emergency wisdom tooth extraction?

An emergency wisdom tooth extraction becomes a dental emergency when daily life is impacted by the pain.

Many dentists agree that a “wait and see” approach to wisdom teeth is wise. The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons believes that, “There is no pat answer, cookbook recipe, or flow chart that is universally accepted regarding the decision making process [for extracting a wisdom tooth].” Extracting a tooth unnecessarily is expensive and painful.

But when your wisdom teeth are painful or occur with the following symptoms, an emergency wisdom tooth extraction may be in order. It’s vital to work closely with your dentist to determine if you need an emergency wisdom tooth extraction.

What are the signs of an impacted wisdom tooth?

Signs of an impacted wisdom tooth may not be readily apparent. Often, they come on slowly, but once an impacted tooth makes itself known there is no mistaking the symptoms.

Impacted wisdom tooth symptoms can include:

  • Reddened gums
  • Tenderness
  • Pain
  • Pressure on your back molars
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Foul breath
  • Bad taste when chewing
  • Swelling

These symptoms range from minor to severe. By the time you get to foul breath and a bad taste when chewing, you may have already progressed to another dental condition (such as an abscessed tooth). This is why it is important to visit the dentist when it becomes obvious that your wisdom teeth are erupting.

Why is it important to get emergency wisdom tooth extraction?

Put simply, our modern jaws are designed to fit 28 teeth. With the addition of four wisdom teeth, things can get pretty crowded in there. In the best-case scenario, with wisdom teeth erupting seamlessly and straight behind the second molars, overcrowding is not really an issue.

For the people for whom this does not occur, wisdom teeth can become very problematic.

The anatomy of our jaw may see the teeth coming in at an angle, pressing into the back molars and throwing off the entire bite. This can lead to difficulty with dental hygiene, trapping food in the spaces between these hard-to-clean teeth.

Once this happens, a cascade of events make emergency wisdom tooth extraction inevitable.

Trapped food particles can lead to tooth decay, cavity, dental abscess, and in extreme cases, deterioration of the bones. Not only will the wisdom teeth require emergency extraction, but the resulting dental conditions they created will also need to be treated. This additional pain and expense can be avoided with early examination of erupting wisdom teeth and timely extraction when required.

What should I expect during the procedure?

An emergency wisdom tooth extraction is much like a scheduled wisdom tooth extraction. Your emergency dentist will perform a physical examination and take X-rays to determine the best approach. If you are experiencing impacted wisdom tooth pain, surgery can help.

While speedy removal of your wisdom tooth is important, the first priority is your comfort. Your emergency dentist will offer a variety of options. These may include local anesthetic, IV sedation, nitrous oxide, and even minor sedation before your appointment. Fear can keep patients in emergency situations from visiting the dentist, so it’s important that patients have all the tools they need to be pain-free and calm.

Emergency wisdom tooth extractions also focus on speed. It is important to get those teeth out as soon as possible to prevent further complications (and expense!). Once you are comfortable, your emergency dentist will use surgical tools to remove the tooth. If the impacted wisdom teeth have wrapped their roots around the bones of the jaw, this could mean making incisions in the gums. If this occurs, surgery will take longer.

For wisdom teeth that are not impacted but are causing pain or other problems, your emergency dentist uses a dental tool to ease the tooth out of your gums.

The extraction site is washed thoroughly, and stitches are applied as needed.

What is recovery like an emergency wisdom tooth extraction?

Recovery times vary, depending on the extent of the extraction. For surgical removal, there will be more pain and swelling than for a simple pulled tooth.

Your dentist will offer specific wisdom tooth extraction aftercare guidelines, but in general, the following can help speed recovery.

  • Use ice for swelling (20 minutes on, 20 minutes off)
  • Take pain medications as directed (no more, no less)
  • Restrict activity for at least 24 hours, then gradually ease into your normal routine over a week
  • Eat only soft foods (e.g., yogurt, cooked vegetables, soups)
  • Avoid chewing on the side of the extraction site
  • Clean teeth with a gentle rinse of saltwater for the first 24 hours
  • Attend follow-up dental appointments and follow any additional instructions

It is also very important to protect the clot at the extraction site. Chewing gum, smoking, and using a drinking straw create suction that can open up the clot and lead to dry sockets, an extremely painful dental condition.

Extraction sites for wisdom teeth can take up to six months to heal, particularly if the teeth were impacted and cut from the bone. It is imperative that you take good care of yourself during this time.

Seek immediate care from an emergency dentist or other emergency physician if you experience any signs of infection, such as

  • Excessive pain
  • Fever
  • Swelling
  • Oozing from the extraction site

Where can I get emergency wisdom tooth extraction in the Phoenix area?

Your Phoenix area emergency dentist is AZ Dentist. We know tooth emergencies often occur after hours and on weekends. That’s why we reserve space for emergency appointments during those times.

If you need an emergency wisdom tooth extraction, get in touch today for an immediate appointment!

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