You’ve opted for Invisalign, hoping that the more subtle look of these clear retainer-style braces will be less noticeable (a good thing if you are self-conscious about getting braces in the first place). While Invisalign trays (also called aligners and retainers) are an excellent option for a straight and healthy smile, they do require some care to keep them fresh and clean. You don’t want your beautiful teeth to be marred by stinky retainers. Here’s how to clean Invisalign retainers properly and thoroughly.

Why is it so important to clean your Invisalign braces?

If you are like the over five million people in the U.S. who have chosen Invisalign as their orthodontic path to a beautiful smile, you want to keep your smile fresh and clean while your teeth are improving.

Although Invisalign trays are much easier to care for, if you let yourself get lax the results can snowball quickly. While Invisalign patients tend to end up with better oral health than those with traditional braces, there is a risk of tooth decay (or worse) if the retainers are not properly cared for.

How to clean Invisalign retainers

Even if you do not end up with cavities, having fresh, clean Invisalign retainers also translates into fresh, clean breath. Here are 11 of our best tips for how to clean Invisalign retainers (with suggestions on how often to clean Invisalign!).

1. Keep up your oral hygiene

No, you don’t have wires and brackets to work around with floss and a toothbrush, but this does not mean you can fall down on the job.

Think of your Invisalign trays as a magnifying glass. Since you can see through them, there is nowhere for dirty teeth to hide. Brush twice a day, floss once, and rinse with non-alcoholic mouthwash as directed by your dentist.

2. Rinse your Invisalign retainers when you remove them

Most people sleep in their Invisalign retainers and only remove them to eat. When you do remove them, give them a quick rinse to remove saliva (and the potential for bacteria). Get in the habit of doing this every time you wash your hands before you sit down or whenever you have a snack.

Side bonus: some Invisalign users report that they snack less because they don’t want to remove and rinse their retainers. The result? Losing weight over the course of their treatment.

Whenever you do choose to eat, rinse your retainers after.

3. Brush your Invisalign aligners regularly

Remember the tip to brush your teeth twice daily? The same goes for your Invisalign retainers. Most people can easily adapt to the routine of brushing their retainers when they brush their teeth.

Use a soft-bristled brush and gently brush the inside and outside of the retainer. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water. The good news: you don’t need to floss the retainers.

4. Choose your “toothpaste” carefully

So carefully, in fact, that it’s not even toothpaste. Most toothpastes are made with abrasive chemicals that can permanently scratch the surface of your aligners, creating an ideal atmosphere for stains and smelly bacteria.

Avoid this possibility by reaching for your pantry. A paste of baking soda and a drop of vinegar will gently clean your retainers, remove any bad-smells, and keep your breath fresh and clean. Rinse thoroughly with warm water before reinserting. If you’d rather not go the DIY route, talk to your dentist for recommendations.

5. Inspect your retainers regularly

Give them more than a cursory glance at least a couple times a week.

You are looking for tartar, a milky white substance that can build up not only on your teeth but also on your retainers. This will make your teeth appear dull and can impact your oral health over time.

6. Soak your Invisalign retainers

If you do notice tartar build up or see that your once-clear retainers are now cloudy, it’s time to give them a luxurious soak.

Any denture or retainer cleansing soak will work as a soaking solution. Invisalign makes a specific cleanser, but it’s not necessary to use their brand. At a minimum, give them a soak once a week for 15 minutes to remove any tartar build up that you might miss.

7. Avoid hot water

While hot water is the enemy of bacteria across the globe, it’s also no friend to your Invisalign retainers. Hot water can warp the retainer and make it unable to do its job (straighten your teeth).

If you are cleaning regularly as suggested, lukewarm water is just fine.

8. Brush your teeth when staining foods are present

Berries, pasta sauce, and red wine can actually permanently stain your Invisalign retainers.

If you have just finished a beautiful meal of pasta Bolognese with a lovely cabernet and a dessert of blueberry mousse, make sure to brush your teeth thoroughly before reinserting your retainers.

9. Drink only water… when your retainers are in

For your overall health, only drinking water all day long is the best way to go. For most people, that’s not their reality.

If you can’t skip the coffee or black tea in the morning or the Unicorn Frappuccino in the afternoon, go ahead and remove your retainers while you indulge. As with your teeth, these beverages (along with soda and red wine) are highly staining and can permanently discolor your aligners.

10. Store your retainers properly

Bacteria grows in damp, warm places. This bacteria can make your retainers smell and taste bad.

Avoid this by thoroughly drying them after rinsing and storing them in their case.

11. Visit your dentist regularly

Other than daily oral hygiene, your dentist is your best option for healthy teeth. Getting regular dental cleanings twice a year (or as directed by your dentist) can catch any trouble that arises before it’s too late.

This is a great opportunity to get regular feedback on improvements to your smile, too.

If you are in the Phoenix area and considering Invisalign (or already have them in place), give AZ Dentist a call. We know Invisalign braces and can answer all your questions. Let us get you on the path to a beautiful, sparkling smile!

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