When a tooth is damaged or decayed enough to require a crown, you have many different options of crown material. Traditionally, crowns have been made out of a mix of metal and ceramic. These days, zirconia crowns are rising in popularity for their durability and natural-looking appearance.

What are zirconia crowns?

Your dentist can use zirconia dental crowns to replace a single natural tooth. People need dental crowns for a variety of reasons.

  • Tooth decay: When tooth decay progresses to the point where there is very little tooth material left, a zirconia crown can help preserve the tooth’s roots.
  • Broken or chipped teeth: Zirconia crowns can be used when a tooth is broken, cracked, or otherwise damaged.
  • Aesthetic considerations: Dental crowns help when a tooth is healthy but not as attractive as a patient would like. Discoloration or variations in size can all be corrected with a dental crown.

Zirconia crowns are just one of several materials patients can choose from. Other types of crowns are:

  • Porcelain
  • Ceramic
  • Metal
  • A combination

What should I expect during a zirconia crown procedure?

Receiving a zirconia dental crown takes two visits.

On the first visit, your dentist examines your tooth to make sure it can support a crown. They will then prepare the tooth by filing down the tooth material to make a healthy base for the crown.

Once the base is prepared, your dentist takes an impression of the area to create a temporary crown while the permanent zirconia crown is being made. When the zirconia crown is ready, your dentist removes the temporary crown and permanently affixes the zirconia dental crown with dental cement.

Checking for fit, color match, and shape is the last step. Zirconia dental crowns can be shaped to more closely match natural teeth. Your dentist will make sure that the bite is correct and shape the crown accordingly.

It may take a few days to get used to your new zirconia crown, especially if you had a gap in your smile for a long period of time. In general, most patients report no problems adapting after the first few days, but if you experience discomfort, give your dentist a call to check it out.

What is a zirconium crown made of?

Zirconia crowns are made of zirconium oxide. This is a strong material that is compatible with the body. For some patients who cannot tolerate metal, this material is the best option.

Zirconia dental crowns can be either solid or layered.

Solid zirconia crowns (also called monolithic zirconia) are best used on molars. The appearance is more opaque, but the strength of solid zirconia dental crowns is good for hard chewing surfaces. Patients who grind their teeth are also good candidates for this type of zirconia crown.

Layered zirconia crowns are the most natural-looking option. These are easy to match to adjacent teeth and still offer superior strength and durability. Layered zirconia dental crowns need more clearance when they are applied and are generally used for teeth in the front of the mouth.

How long do zirconia crowns last?

With proper care and regular check-ups, zirconia crowns can last a lifetime.

On average, patients expect to get between ten and 20 years of wear out of their zirconia dental crowns, but some report upwards of 30 years of wear.

What are zirconia crowns pros and cons?

When it comes to zirconia crowns pros and cons, they’re best examined by looking at other dental crown materials in comparison.

Zirconia crown vs. porcelain

Zirconia crowns are made of a biocompatible material that virtually eliminates the possibility of an adverse reaction. For some people, the metal lining of a porcelain crown means that the crown can cause irritation and other complications.

The metal lining of a porcelain crown may also peek above the crown right at the gumline. Although it does not matter so much in terms of molars, this dark metal line is not the best look for front teeth. Zirconia crowns are appropriate aesthetically for both front and back teeth.

Some might argue in favor of strong all-metal crowns, but again, this is not necessarily appropriate for front teeth. Most patients will prefer dental crowns that blend seamlessly with their natural teeth, and zirconia dental crowns are the best choice in that regard.

Advantages of zirconia crowns

In terms of strength, durability, and appearance, zirconia dental crowns are superior to other crown materials. Zirconia as a material mimics the appearance of natural teeth, reflecting light in the same way. This means zirconia crowns can be more closely matched to existing teeth.

Zirconium oxide is also up to five times stronger than porcelain or porcelain/metal crowns, which means less chance of cracking, chipping, or breaking at any time over their long lifespan.

Zirconia crown disadvantages

Although zirconia dental crowns are an excellent choice in terms of appearance and durability, there is one significant disadvantage. This disadvantage is also an advantage: their durability. Zirconia crowns are so tough that they can cause extra wear on the teeth surrounding the crown and the teeth they impact when a patient bites down.

Further, the tough material can cause wear underneath the crown on the natural tooth. This wear can lead to tooth decay and recurrent caries that is only discovered when the zirconia crown falls off or the patient reports pain underneath the crown.

Regular checkups and proper hygiene are important to monitor and correct zirconia crown problems that might arise. Working with a highly-qualified dentist is also an important part of getting the correct fit and type of crown for your smile.

What should I get?

Ultimately, the type of crown you get is a matter of budget, personal preference, and the recommendation of your dentist.

Zirconia crowns fall on the higher end of the dental crown price range because of their durability. Patients need to balance the upfront cost of the crown with the fact that zirconia dental crowns tend to last much longer than porcelain or ceramic crowns. While metal crowns are also quite durable, not everyone wants metal on their front teeth.

The dental crown that you choose should fit your budget and your lifestyle. If you need more information about zirconia dental crowns and want to see what your options are, get in touch with your Phoenix area cosmetic dentist today!

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