With the latest advances in dental restorations, including stronger materials and improved techniques, the answer to the question “How long do dental crowns last?” has also changed. Here’s what you need to know about their longevity today.

How long do dental crowns last?

Dental crowns are a dental restoration that replaces missing teeth above the gumline anywhere in the mouth. Teeth may be missing for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Trauma or injury
  • Extraction
  • Periodontal disease
  • Excessive decay

Regardless of the reason, a dental crown replaces both the look and function of a natural tooth and is designed to last. The different types of dental crowns come with different timelines for longevity and durability.

Dental crown on an implant

A dental crown replaced as part of a dental implant may be one of the most long-lasting types of dental crown, regardless of the material of the crown itself. The dental implant is made of titanium that is placed in the jawbone itself, eventually becoming part of the bone. These implants promote bone health and growth and are not susceptible to decay or deterioration. This decreases the chances of further decay and future dental work on the same tooth.

Because of this, the average lifespan of dental crowns on dental implants is two decades, with some dental implants lasting 40 or 50 years.

Dental crowns on the molars

The excessive biting and chewing force exerted on crowns placed on molars shortens their lifespan and contributes to other dental issues that can reoccur on the restored tooth.

If the average lifespan of a dental crown is between five and 20 years, dental crowns on the molars lean towards the shorter end of that time period.

Dental crowns on front teeth

The decreased chewing and grinding force on the front teeth means that dental crowns in this area of the mouth have a good chance of lasting a lifetime (or at least several decades).

Materials matter

The different types of dental crowns and their materials matter when it comes to longevity. In general, zirconia crowns are highly durable and can last 30 years or more, with composite crowns (usually designed to be temporary) barely making a year or two.

Ceramic, gold, and porcelain crowns, the most common and affordable type, can last 20 years or more.

How to help dental crowns last longer

Can a crown last a lifetime? Given proper care and treatment, the answer is a resounding “yes!” Here are seven tips for proper care of a dental crown.

1. Practice good oral hygiene

Sure, your crown is manufactured, but it still needs proper brushing and flossing.

This maintains the health of the tooth’s roots and also protects the teeth adjacent to the crown.

2. Visit your dentist 

Regular dental checkups and cleanings are crucial to keep an eye on your crown and note any changes.

It is always easier to treat a potential oral health issue in the early stages. With regular checkups and X-rays, your dentist can identify potential issues before they become serious.

3. Eat and drink well

Eating a healthy diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and calcium helps protect the overall health of your body and shines brightly through your beautiful smile.

What you eat to maintain your good health also maintains the health of your dental crowns.

4. Avoid food and drink that stains

Even if the materials of a dental crown are rock solid, their surface is still vulnerable to stains. Although stains don’t affect the function of your crown long-term, it can affect how you feel about your smile. Avoid food and drink that stains, like blueberries, coffee, and red wine.

Highly acidic foods like citrus fruits can also etch your crowns and cause stains to deeply penetrate the surface over time. If you must consume these foods and drinks, use a straw and rinse your mouth after you eat.

5. Eliminate bad habits

Follow the golden rule: if it’s not food, it doesn’t belong in your mouth. This applies to fingernails, ice, pens, pencils, and toothpicks.

Chewing on any non-food items can compromise the strength and longevity of your crowns, especially on the front teeth.

6. Wear your nightguard

Another prime suspect in the early failure of crowns is bruxism. While a night guard won’t stop your clenching and grinding, it can protect the surface of the crown.

Over time, the excessive forces of teeth clenching will eventually weaken the crown, but a night guard helps prevent wear.

7. Stop smoking

Smoking is one of those bad habits that affects all aspects of our health. Not only does it shorten our lifespan, it can stain and color your dental crowns.

Stopping today means better health (and beautiful teeth!) tomorrow.

How do you know when a crown needs to be replaced?

Even with proper care and a few precautions, crowns may eventually need to be replaced. The most obvious signs that a crown needs to be replaced is chips or cracks in the crown itself. If you are experiencing pain in the crown, this may mean it has become loose (allowing a cavity to form underneath) and needs to be replaced.

Cosmetic staining and imperfections do not impact the function of a crown, but if they occur on the front teeth a replacement may be in order.

Proper placement of a dental crown increases its longevity. If you are in Phoenix and looking for a highly skilled cosmetic dentist for crowns that last a lifetime, give AZ Dentist a call.

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