Losing a tooth is never fun, but trying to figure out what to do next can only add to the stress. Missing teeth or poorly matched replacement teeth can really impact your self-esteem. Dental implants can help. There are several different types of dental implants. Here’s everything you need to know to choose the one that’s best for you!

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant replaces a missing tooth or teeth. For the estimated 120 million people in the U.S. missing one or more teeth, these natural-looking replacements function just like real teeth.

Dental implants are the best option when:

  • The entire tooth is missing (crown and root)
  • The jawbone is healthy enough to support an implant
  • A crown is not an option (due to irreparable damage to the tooth’s roots)

Dental implants procedure

The dental implants procedure takes at least two visits, and possibly more, depending on the types of dental implant you choose and the health of your jawbone. If teeth need to be extracted or a dental bone graft is needed, the procedure will take more than two visits.

Once healthy bone is established and located, the implant post is placed into or on top of your jawbone and the surgical site is closed up. This gives the implant time to integrate into the bone. The healing process can take anywhere from two to six months. You may be given a temporary denture during this time, especially if the implant is one of your front teeth.

Once the post has healed, an abutment is screwed onto the implant. This abutment holds the artificial tooth (the crown). This tooth is custom-made and matched to your natural teeth.

Dental implant benefits

The procedure may seem challenging, but dental implants come with some significant benefits.

Unlike dentures, dental implants improve bone density. The action of the implanted post stimulates the jaw to grow bone. For patients with thinning bones, this can help preserve natural teeth and repair damage to the jaw at the same time.

With an average lifespan of 20 years, and some patients reporting dental implants that are 50 years and older, dental implants are a long-lasting option.

When crafted by a highly-trained ceramicist, your dental implants look beautifully natural, fit perfectly, and won’t slip or slide the way dentures might. You will never outgrow your dental implants. Once placed, you won’t know the difference between natural teeth and those replaced by implants.

What are the types of dental implants?

The types of dental implants you choose depends on the number of teeth being replaced, the health of your jawbone, and the location of the teeth. There are four types of dental implants.

  1. Full mouth
  2. Partial
  3. All-on-4
  4. Mini

Let’s look at each of these in more detail.

Types Of Dental Implants: Which One Is Right For Me? | AZ Dentist

1. Full mouth

Full mouth dental implants are exactly what they sound like.

People without any teeth may opt for this type of dental implant, choosing implanted-supported dentures or bridges to replace their missing teeth.

2. Partial

Partial implants are used when only one or two teeth are being replaced. They are sturdier than mini dental implants and can be used successfully on molars.

3. All-on-4

All-on-4 dental implants are used to replace a complete arch (upper or lower teeth) with just four implanted posts. Your dentist will locate four strategic places with good healthy jawbone to place the posts, then the replacement teeth snap into those places.

This is a good option for people who need a full arch of teeth replaced but want the bone-building benefits of implants (as opposed to dentures).

4. Mini

Mini dental implants feature a very narrow post. The placement for these is less invasive and requires less healing time than some of the other types of dental implants.

Mini implants are used most often for implant-supported dentures or for the replacement of one tooth in the front of the mouth.

Types of dental implants: Placement

There are two types of dental implant placements: endosteal and subperiosteal.

Endosteal implants are surgically inserted directly into your jawbone. Once this heals, a second surgery attaches a post to the implant, with a tooth or teeth attached to the post. These are the most common type of implant but require a healthy and substantial jawbone.

Subperiosteal implants are made of a frame fitted on top of the jawbone but below the gum tissue. As your jawbone heals, the implant becomes fixed to it. Posts attached to this frame stick out from the gum, and the tooth is snapped into place. For patients with some healthy bone, this type of implant works to build more as it heals.

Types of dental implants: Materials

The types of dental implants materials reflect different price points and patient tolerance. Here’s some of your options.


Titanium is the most common and well-known dental implant material. Although generally well-tolerated by most patients, some do experience a reaction to the metal of the implant. This dental implants material generally lasts a couple decades, but with advances in this material, its strength has improved.

Titanium implants may not be able to withstand the biting forces of the molars. They may also not fare well in patients with compromised jawbone. If patients are good candidates for titanium implants, though, these are the more affordable of the different types of dental implants materials.

Zirconia implants

Zirconia implants are made of zirconium oxide. This material is highly durable and can be either layered or solid. Solid zirconia implants (sometimes referred to as monolithic zirconia) do not reflect light and are best for hard chewing surfaces that absorb maximum biting force.

On the other hand, layered zirconia implants are beautifully translucent and natural-looking. Layers of zirconia are applied, one at a time. Because the tooth is built up, there needs to be sufficient space (clearance) on either side of the tooth being replaced. Layered zirconia implants are a great option for front teeth.

Zirconia implants are more expensive than ceramic implants, but consider this. The first two patients to receive zirconia implants had them for 40 and 50 years. This may be worth the extra cost!

Learn more about dental implants

Dental implants can restore your beautiful smile and self-confidence. If you’re in Arizona and you still have questions about the types of dental implants that would work for you, give AZ Dentist a call.

With multiple Phoenix locations, we can help you find the perfect dental implants for you!

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