Maybe you dread it, or maybe it’s no big deal, but visiting the dentist should be a regular part of your routine. The question of how often you should go to the dentist can be more complicated than you think, depending on your situation.

How often should you go to the dentist?

The quick and easy answer to the question of how often you should go to the dentist? If you are one of the lucky ones with excellent genetics, strong teeth, and few (if any) cavities, visiting the dentist twice a year is enough. During this visit, your dentist checks your gum health, looks for any cavities or trouble spots, and compliments you on your excellent oral hygiene.

Bi-annual visits to the dentist are the minimum needed to protect your good oral health. The importance of regular dental visits cannot be underestimated for overall good health. Developing a relationship with your Phoenix area family dentist like AZ Dentist also helps them to track your oral health and any changes that occur over the years.

How often should you go to the dentist for a cleaning?

On your bi-annual visits, you will get a thorough check-up and cleaning. As noted above, this is generally enough for patients with no problems.

A regular cleaning includes brushing with mildly abrasive toothpaste, flossing, and removing built-up plaque. Your dentist may review the proper way to brush and floss with you. Once a year, they may also take X-rays to look for any hidden trouble spots.

How often should I go for deep cleanings?

Sometimes, a basic cleaning is not enough. Patients with poor oral hygiene (or who have not been to the dentist in many years) may need to have a deep cleaning. A deep cleaning goes below the gumline to remove tartar. Tartar is plaque that has hardened. This hardened plaque can cause infections in the gums that lead to periodontal disease and tooth abscesses.

In a procedure also known as scaling and root planing, your dentist will use a handheld scaler (a metal instrument with a curved pick on the end) to scrape the tartar and bacteria off the tooth’s roots below the gumline. Using the same instrument, they will then smooth the root to allow the gums to re-attach to the teeth.

This deep cleaning procedure can take several visits, depending on how much cleaning is needed. For patients who are receiving this cleaning as part of periodontal disease treatment, they might visit the dentist four times a year until the gums reattach firmly and the danger of disease progression has passed.

Patients who receive deep cleanings need to schedule separate appointments from regular cleanings. Each situation is unique, so talk to your dentist to see what best fits your situation.

How often should a child go to the dentist?

Your child should visit the dentist when their first tooth emerges, no later than their first birthday. Although their pediatrician will check their gums and emerging teeth during that first year, it is important to get children used to the dentist at an early age.

After that first visit, it is generally okay to schedule bi-annual cleanings, just like adults. However, there are certain situations that may warrant more frequent visits.

Difficulties with speech and eating

As your child grows and begins to talk beyond babbling, any difficulties with speech should prompt a trip to the dentist. This is true likewise for any issues they have latching during breastfeeding.

A dentist can make sure there are no obstructions or abnormalities in the mouth.


Any tooth pain beyond teething that involves any part of the mouth should be explored by the family dentist.

Problems with erupting teeth

Teeth that are not emerging, are erupting at unusual angles, or that are erupting loose or otherwise in a non-traditional way should be examined by the dentist.

These potential issues with your child’s teeth do not automatically mean there is a problem. Children develop at different rates in different ways, and teeth are no different. An extra trip to the dentist is a way to set your mind at ease.

How often should you go to the dentist if you have braces?

Oral hygiene becomes very important when you get braces, especially if you have opted for traditional straight-wire orthodontics. The bands that wrap around the teeth can be challenging to clean all the way around. Food particles can also be trapped beneath the wire.

Your bi-annual dental visits are important, but straight-wire orthodontics come with additional visits every four to six weeks. This is to check the progress of the teeth, but they can also be used as a check-in to make sure you are brushing and flossing adequately.

Your orthodontist or family dentist can help you learn how to properly brush and floss with braces. Take them up on this offer to keep your teeth healthy and strong while they are being straightened!

How often should you go to the dentist if you’ve had past dental work?

In a perfect world, other dental work like crowns and dental bridges would be hands-off as soon as they are applied. For the most part, this is the case. With proper care, previous dental work can last for decades with no trouble and only two cleanings and check-ups a year.

However, it’s time to visit the dentist if your dental work begins to:

  • Crack
  • Change color
  • Loosen
  • Become more noticeable in the mouth—either by sight or touch

Previous dental work is susceptible to recurrent caries, a condition when tooth decay occurs underneath the dental restoration. If you notice anything awry, it is best to schedule an appointment right away.

Because we are all so different, it is always best to talk about your specific needs with your dentist. Developing a relationship that lasts for years is a great way to get personalized dental care that changes as your situation evolves.

If you are looking for a Phoenix area weekend dentist, AZ Dentist can help. We offer convenient weekend hours for all of your family’s needs. Get in touch today!

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